My reminiscence="After the jump" ;P

Flew back from LA yesterday-Everything is a Success. The show went over extremely well in every way possible. Massive humble "Thank You's" to all who came and all who will come.. and all who gave props and showed interest, and to all of the kindness from people that I've been doing business with, yet never "met". Wow. Thanks to my Thinkspace peeps, we banged out about 20 gallerys in 11hrs on Saturday, and I got to finally see all of the painters work LIVE= that Ive been worshipping for the longest=McMillan-Hardgrave-May-Limon-Barr-Joncas-Cooper-Dobb-Vivanco-Spoor-Araujo-English-Louie and a brain melting magnitude of more..I've been so inspired that I bought like $300 in oil paints today to see what realms they might open. If anything, just to expand some horizons, because change is good! Here's some pic's from the Thinkspace show that's up until April 3rd I believe;)